People save and invest money for many different reasons. It could be you're saving towards a rainy day, or for a specific goal such as funding a child's university fees or a deposit for a house. Paul has the expertise that can help you save and invest for whatever goal you have in mind. He can provide clear and unbiased advice on a range of investment products and services.
Whether you are looking to save regularly in a cash ISA, or you are investing a lump-sum for the first time in an equity linked investment, we have the knowledge to help you make the right choices.
Not only can we help you get the best rate of return from your savings and investments, we can also make sure that they are tax efficient with the use of products like ISAs. For those that are looking to invest larger sums, we have a range of investment solutions for you to consider.
An investment portfolio forms a critical part of many of our clients' personal financial plans. Paul will guide you through the many options available when building a successful investment portfolio, taking into account tax opportunities and implications, your attitude to risk, and balancing the need for income, growth or both.